Terms and Conditions
1.1 The items offered are clearly and truthfully and / or described in the shop, they are as fully as reasonably required described and possess the qualities mentioned by Tractor-Shop.nl in the offer. On offer is clearly indicated what the customer owes to purchase and what his rights and obligations, if he accepts the offer.
1.2. Tractor-Shop.nl guarantees that the indicated item prices during the term of the offer will not be raised in price, subject to any interim tax increases, statutory measures or changes in VAT rates.
2.1. Whatever the chosen order with the customer payment method, Tractor-Shop.nl reserves the right to not perform or perform later orders. Tractor-Shop.nl is also authorized to deliver products only after the customer has made a through Tractor-Shop.nl certain prepayment. At the written request of the customer will be given the reason.
3.1. All articles will be a trial period of 7 days, unless the offer expressly stated otherwise.
3.2. During the trial period the articles may be judged on quality and performance, which also means that the customer is entitled to apply the article.
3.3. The trial period also implies that the customer is entitled to return within the trial period reviewed articles without any obligation. The returned items should not be worn (other than appropriate), used or damaged. We reserve the right to if you caused damage to returned items to bring any charges. Furthermore no labels, price tags, etc. are removed. The costs for the return shall be borne by the customer. Returns must be in original packaging. Non- or insufficiently stamped returns are refused.
3.4. The trial period starts on the day of delivery of the article by TPG Post or agent. If the package is delivered by TPG Post, it is assumed that the delivery has taken place on the business day following the date stated on the invoice.
3.5. The burden of proof that the client has made timely use of its power to return within the trial period, rests with the customer. Tractor-Shop.nl accepts in this respect by the TPG Post or signed by the carrier returns memo or note, proof of posting or similar document.
4.1. After the expiry of the approval period, as mentioned under 3.1, the purchase agreement a fact.
5.1. Tractor-Shop.nl will do everything possible to deliver accepted orders as soon as possible. If delivery is delayed, either temporarily out of stock or for other reasons or if an order can not or only partially executed, the customer will be notified. The client in this case the right to cancel the remaining order in writing or orally.
5.2. If the customer does not respond in writing within the trial period, it is assumed that the replacement item corresponds to the ordered. If the replacement item does not comply, then the article must be returned within 7 days. The costs are borne by the customer.
5.3. The postage payable are included in the order summary.
6.1. Tractor-Shop.nl carries the risk of damage and loss of articles, provided the goods are sent by parcel post. Once the items are received by customers, the risk of damage and loss to the customer.
6.2. In case of return within the trial period, the transport risk again about to Tractor-Shop.nl, provided the goods are sent by parcel post.
6.3. If one or more articles are lost, required the customer agrees, upon first request to cooperate in the investigation. Failure to meet this obligation is Tractor-Shop.nl entitled to recover the price of the products to the customer.
6.4. Orders over € 100, - will be shipped insured.
7.1. Tractor-Shop.nl guarantees the soundness and / or usability of the delivered items, conform the specifications.
7.2. In case of visible defects, the customer must return the product, after written consultation with Tractor-Shop.nl sufficient postage to return within the trial period, including notification of the defect. Tractor-Shop.nl will replace the item in that case or repair, and reimburse shipping costs reasonable.
7.3 In the event of hidden defects, or in the case of visible defects after the trial period, the complaint must be in writing, notified within 14 days of receipt of the goods. The complaint is a description of defects and can electronically, in writing or by telephone. If the customer in writing to repair or replacement requests Tractor-Shop.nl decide whether the item will be repaired or replaced. In articles that the customer sending on his own initiative, the transport for his account. Tractor-Shop.nl in that case not liable for damage caused during transport. For other cases, the provisions of Article 7.2 ..
8. PAY
8.1. If the customer has chosen the order for payment by bank transfer, Tractor-Shop.nl send the ordered items within 3 working days after her account was credited, subject to the provisions of Article 5.1
8.2. If the customer has opted in order to receive the order COD Tractor-Shop.nl send the ordered items within 3 working days after receiving the order, subject to the provisions of Article 5.1.
9.1. Already paid for items that are returned within the trial period or the customer operation shall, under conditions set by Tractor-Shop.nl, will be refunded at the failure to achieve the agreement. Repayments shall include the contribution of the customer in the shipping costs.
9.2. Refund will be made within 30 days after the customer has indicated in writing how he wants to see out the refund.
10.1. Tractor-Shop.nl endorses the General Conditions for the distance and by post drawn up by the Thuiswinkel.org in consultation with the Consumers' Association.
11.1. By placing an order each customer hereby unconditionally agree to the above terms of sale.
11.2. This sale is exclusively Dutch law.
11.3. Tractor-Shop.nl, Zonnenberg 10, 7384 DM WILP
© Wilp, January 2008